June 2015 Forty-six posts
Geode selection at the Fair. Auntie & Niece
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Rancho Bernardo Courtyard doing tenant appreciation with complimentary @StuffedSD burgers. Thanks RBC from @SlackerRadio!
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My infant care strategy is The Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds on repeat on @SlackerRadio with Premium.
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Jojo is nonplussed by this fire drill meeting. Joe is too.
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My Dad and I are in ties in this. The other photos I have of this night are my father going up to a podium to receive a document. I can’t remember if he was graduating from P.A. School at USC or getting an award as an outstanding instructor of the P.A. school at USC. The pic is marked with January 1977 so it could be either. As long as I can remember my Dad has worked hard, studying, reading, on call, teaching, and endeavoring to be the best. I’m incredibly proud of him and his accomplishments. Happy Father’s Day Dad!
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Terrible lighting on me but fun as heck. Art of San Diego Comic-Con.
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This person is a regular. Nice sort.
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Secondhand fireworks. Over Sea World.
7th grade. Serious young man in Gretna Louisiana.
Busted water main (?) In Fashion Valley. Fire trucks on the scene.