2016 Four hundred and sixty-three posts
I posted 463 times in 2016 using WordPress. 412 of those came from Instagram —more than 80%— Total word count for 2016 was 12,487 words with approximately 458 images and approximately 36 external links I posted 8 posts tagged "swim2016" I made 1 headers that year
Bus Inktober Caricature of Magenta Chef with the Labret Piercing
12 days running Ink Ink Ink. #inktober2016 #inktober
Lady Ada for #inktober and #adalovelaceday #inktober2016 I owe my livelihood to her.
Surly Penguin. concept by @starblade68 #inktober #inktober2016
nine inktober @artlung two thousand & sixteen #inktober2016
#inktober 8 melange. #inktober2016
Me, Raideen (sic) & Mazinga (sic). North of $200 each and too tall for the collection. Oceanside Antique Bots!
New Bot, Trek’s Q & #imwithher
At some point I’ll do Carrie Kelly justice. #inktober #inktober2016