2018 Three hundred and one posts
I posted 301 times in 2018 using WordPress. 240 of those came from Instagram —more than 75%— Total word count for 2018 was 29,363 words with approximately 297 images and approximately 170 external links I was not yet tagging swimming posts in 2018 I made 2 headers that year
Be nice! …please #sketchpartysd
Christmas is hard on everyone. #sketchpartysd
I wish I’d met you. You died on New Year’s Eve in 1968. You were born in 1882! What things you saw! What change! Ellis Island! An immigrant who gave your daughter and her children better lives. Without you I would not exist.
Bulb! Party day 2. 🎄
Bye. (I think an American Goldfinch).
Wish you were here (yesterday, elsewhere)
Christmas party.
What kind of trap is this? It was washed up at Mission Beach. The red things are actual bricks. And in the middle were two bleached out pieces meat. It was washed up and had rope attached. So—what kind of trap is this?
Less flat-toppy.
It rained last week. So weird. Scripps Northridge Technology Plaza.