September 2021 Thirty-eight posts
The swell has brought both shorebirds and surfers to the water.
Foursquare check-ins
I did not buy Marvelous Mike but I wanted to. Mike is another reason my robot rules exist. This is the budget rule. Oceanside, yesterday.
Foursquare check-ins
The two shells I brought from Orange County yesterday.
They’re not shooting the pier this morning but it’s prettier than any music lyric anyway. Huntington Beach.
Playing at @ink_and_drink_lb tonight. Feels good but I’m out of practice.
Foursquare check-ins
Foursquare check-ins
Foursquare check-ins
New Bot Day! Vegan Bot is a beautiful product of @chompton_ stoodios and I’m pleased as punch to have this artful robotic vinyl creation join my collection!