Tags · sdcc2019
My top 9 features walks on the beach, my late mom, San Diego Comic Con, drawing at the Vietnam Memorial, candy sushi, plenty of time with @hellokellykuhl and a post from @spill_drink_and_draw. It’s been quite a good year. #top9 #sdcc2019 #cosplay #spillsantaana
Mad-Eye giving blood last weekend. @sandiegobloodbank #sdcc2019 #madeyemoody
Amazing morning of Harry Potter group cosplay through the Gaslamp all the way to Con! So much talent! So tired I wouldn’t mind being put in a trunk! #sdcc #harrypotter #madeyemoody #cosplay #sdcc2019
Oh, I can get you a toe. WITH NAIL POLISH. #SDCC #SDCC2019 #waltersobchak #thebiglebowski #cosplay