May 1, 2008 Header

After Action Report: SIGGRAPH, Petersen Auto Museum, Chris, Canter’s

Last night I went to the SIGGRAPH LA event at Petersen Auto Museum. It was a terrific event and there was much inspiration and food for thought. I met my friend Chris Greazel there. It’s always great to see Chris.

Apparently a touch screen “minority report” type interface for visualizing accessories has increased sales of accessories 30% for Lamborgini. Interfaces makin’ BANK yo. The interface was done in Flash, the images pre-rendered and compsited on the fly, if I’m remembering that right.

I think more learning of 3-D modeling tools is in my future.

Saw many cool Low Riders. Saw Michael-Keaton era Batmobile. Saw Mach 5.

Chris’ experiences seeing Speed Racer made me want to go even more. I’m thinking of seeing the IMAX version.

I need to vote in the SIGGRAPH elections. I’m a member now, and everything! I became a member after the EA event last month.

Chris said the first time we went to a SIGGRAPH thing was in L.A. in 1989. I thought my first one was around 1994. I can’t remember. But I was definitely interested in computer graphics at that time. I’d go to any computer animation festival had by computer geeks, art museums, or science museums. It was amazing stuff.

We went to Canter’s after. Good potato pancakes, substandard matzoh ball soup. Chris said his smoked turkey was excellent though. We talked, and sketched, and ate, (mostly talked) from about 10pm to 2:30am. As Leah might say, “that’s how we do.”

Chris lent me two books: one Bob McCall, one Jim Burns. Painted wonders decades old! I remember checking out the McCall one many times when I was in 6th and 7th grades. Beautiful paintings of a future that might have been.

Getting home at 3:30am is definitely difficult for my system.

We’ll probably do another late night next month. We’re plotting world domination.


two comments so far...

Small world! We were at Canter’s Sunday afternoon. I had the matzoh ball soup with kreplach and I agree with you that it was not that good. I sampled my daughter’s potato pancakes which were ok, but not nearly as good as homemade. Sadly, the melba toast that came with the soup was the best tasting item on the table.

It’s funny, their matzoh used to be much better. I had some pastrami 2 months ago at Geek Dinner that was good. Their cheesecake was good too.

Definitely a small world! From what I hear people like Jerry’s Famous Deli and Art’s up in the Valley more though. But Canter’s is open 24 hours, definitely a point in their favor. 🙂

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