Married,moved,and getting it together.
←April 2005
May 2005
June 2005→
May 2005
Thirty-one posts
Rain, rain, go away!
Not really. But there was a bad wreck this morning out on the main trunk road to the freeway — which I came upon because I had some errands to run this morning. Rain can be nice, but this morning I wish it had waited till this afternoon. Yesterday was grand. Happy Belated Mother’s Day...
That was a lot of work!
Dude. Just finished up assembling the bunk bed for Dev & Ty. Very sturdy, very heavy, and very awkward to put together. But Dev and I got it together — with much assistance with Tony (extra muscle), Leah (extra consultation) and Ty (miscellaneous lifting and adjustments. We didn’t even have too many extra screws and...
Morgen is Dev’s default greeting in — basically short for “Guten Morgen” in German. Kinda funny. Reminds me a bit of the kid from Breaking Away. He spent several of the first years of his life in Germany so it’s a part of his identity. Let’s see. Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, and additionally my Mom’s...
Shall we talk about the weather?
Shall we talk about the government? Yesterday was rainy and wet. Gray and green were the colors of the day. Today, the sky has a lighter cast. And onward toward the weekend. Nifty. Did you know that tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day? I haven’t bought a comic in ages, but I want to take...
Incredulousness at Email Non-spam confirm tools
I get furious at these things. If you use a service like this, and you send *me* an email, and expect me to reply, you’re not getting a reply from me. Don’t *email* me and then expect me to put up with your stupid filters. Andre, I’m not getting your email. Bummer dude! Hello this...
Leah Yogurt Preferences
_from Leah, via IM_ note: i think it’s safe to say that leah only likes fruit yogurts. like with berries or whatever. but not flavored yogurt with lime, pina colada or lemon.
Oatmeal!, eh? Adding the exclamation point makes it sound like a broadway musical. The stage hit… Oatmeal! — yeah, that’s the ticket. Anyway. Drowsy morning here. I made oatmeal for Leah and myself. She drank green tea, I had mint cocoa. Checking on some online forums, some email, things are good. Turned on the TV...
Tony got canned from E! Entertainment
Sad. I dig Tony and the busblog. I even bought a copy of his book. Tony’s excessive sometimes, but sometimes excessive is just right.
Many today was nothing if not busy. Highlights were two bits of grooming: 1. I shaved my bushy bushy blonde (not really) beard off. I had elaborate ideas about doing a stop-motion film of my beard slowly evaporating by taking shots with every stroke. I haven’t the patience! 2. I mowed the lawn! Yep, we’re...
Mention in San Diego CityBeat
This article: Blogs in Geekland mentions my very own site. How cool! I wish there was a datestamp on the article. I have no idea when it was posted.
←April 2005
May 2005
June 2005→