August 2021 Forty-eight posts
Little wind; few, but great waves.
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I can feel summer starting to end and it’s not my favorite thing. Summer is the best.
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Playing with filters in the hot tub while taking it easy
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New Bot Day! ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility) is a real robot built by Honda in 2000. Honda continued building ASIMO bots (the name inspired by Isaac Asimov) until 2018. My robot collection is fanciful, but robotics is real. Factual and fictional robots inspire me to ponder our past and our possible futures.
“Eyes on the Prize” is on HBO MAX. I got confused about why John Lewis in the mid 1980s was credited as “Seminary Student”—but it’s meant to describe him when he was working toward integrating lunch counters in 1960. His political career was in motion at the time of the making of the excellent documentary series.
Good afternoon.
Post sunscreen reapplication, earlier
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Silver Strand Aunts & Uncles Gathering Summer 2021
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Dinner and electronic music with my pal from the days of my listserv WebSanDiego 20 years ago. Still paying me dividends years after it was obsoleted by our glorious modern age. I am so lucky! (Not pictured: his pop)!
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