February 2022 Thirty posts
South Carlsbad near Sunset
IN LOVING MEMORY. Found this stuck in with my Confirmation shawl. Big fan of retaining paper for decades, me. On accident or on purpose. RIP Tata.
Back to it after a too-long respite
Foursquare check-ins
JOE C. WS-D17. (And mango chunks)
Foursquare check-ins
Lunch in a weird chilly park with a handful of ducks
Started a new job today. Took a lotta notes. It’s a good day.
both sides now
It was 21 years ago today that I started blogging on artlung.com. Here’s what I had to say back then: “It occurs to me that this Blogger stuff may be dull. Still, the prospect of keeping a journal is kind of a neat one. Of course, I’ll have to keep it up. Let’s see if I can do that.” I was on blogger dot com back then. I would write on that site, and files would get published via FTP (before we all understood how fundamentally insecure FTP without a security layer was). Those files were included as Server-Side-Includes, and later as files included via PHP. I migrated to WordPress in 2004 18 years ago and never looked back. I considered MovableType. I considered TextPattern. Used all the candidates on other projects but landed on WordPress and have been happy with that choice since then. If you’re reading the blog? Thanks for reading.
Foursquare check-ins
Foursquare check-ins
I bought some cheap rusty tools and cleaned up the rust with distilled vinegar.
Foursquare check-ins