September 2022 Thirty posts
In loving memory. “Bobbi”
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You can trust a restaurant with kid’s drawings on the wall.
Drizzly morning en route to airport earlier. That San Diego Zoo mural needs a refresh. I believe it’s circa the classic 1984 advertising campaign for the Zoo. @sandiegozoo #sandiegozoo #mural Someone hire some @ladieswhopaint to do something new!
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I’m good to travel with because sometimes I hard boil eggs and make fresh guacamole before the flight. SAN-AUS-ORD.
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Last light, home beach #stoke
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There’s a lot going on under the water.
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Boiled condensed milk in a can yesterday. Let it cool. Didn’t get the right color. Next time I do this I’ll do it hotter and longer. Dulce de leche, in theory. It’s very mild, but it is delicious in coffee this morning. Always be experimenting.
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It was quite a month for both of us. It’s great to get out in the water as a respite.
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I went and saw a doctor yesterday as part of a follow up to relatively minor cardiovascular adventures that needed attention. I’m feeling great and doing great and I record numbers daily which indicate actual physical improvements! Yay! I also got dose #1 of shingles vaccine which reminds me of the fatigue I had following Moderna #1. All is good, I remain lucky, and I’m keeping cool in this heatwave. I wish you and me good health!
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