April 2023 Thirty-three posts
The sun has set / La Jolla
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Went out at one spot, came back in a quarter mile north.
A good rideable wave rolls in and starts to fold over and breaks gradually. The boys I went to high school with would draw an iconic perfect tubular wave curling over and breaking just like that forever. People who ride waves chase such waves. Today the waves were warped as though seen through a funhouse mirror. They started then stopped and then started again. Required improvisation to have fun with. And I did.
Foursquare check-ins
Nice bodysurfing session if a bit choppy. Plus I got to see a handful of the Velella Velella (aka By-the-Wind-Sailors). The biology of these things is amazing. They are each a “colony” that feeds on plankton. They live in all the planet’s oceans but I’ve never seen or heard of them before. It’s a treat to get to see a few up close.
Foursquare check-ins
No photos today, rather a still from a video, sweetened in Procreate.
Foursquare check-ins
SDSU Backdoor—a venue that no longer exists—is where I first saw this band 35 years ago. I bought that ticket at Tower Records on Sports Arena Blvd. I bought tickets for last night’s show show 3 years ago. COVID delayed it again and again and again. It was worth the wait. They Might Be Giants. A favorite.
Foursquare check-ins
Foursquare check-ins
Foursquare check-ins