Tags · ✏️ drawing
@chrisgreazel drawing up a storm at #spillsantaana last night — organized by @radixrisingcreative #inkanddrink #projectdaedalus #drawing #drinkanddraw
Whoa so much fun at @ink_and_drink_lb with first timer @chrisgreazel — and free stickers from @fiiidgt and @unjadedsunflower — and #cubecat makes a surly appearance. #inkanddrink #longbeach #inkanddrinklb #drawing
Chris @chrisgreazel and I sat drawing on our iPads and are both posting our #wip work. Mine is in @procreate #spacegirl #drawing
Recording and photography is not allowed inside Preservation Hall. No rules against drawing though. Sublime and intense and wonderful musical experience.
The Neptune abides. #sketchparty #sketchpartySD #stoke
Pride Weekend San Diego 2017 #sandiego #pride #drawing #spacesuit #procreate
Oh look more coloring practice with @procreateapp #drawing #alien