Tags · san-diego
More art framing! This was a test print through Burn All Books’ Riso printer for Sundays Quarterly 2019.1. It’s an inadvertent exquisite corpse as it includes test runs of layers by me, @unradmotions & @casual_vaper. Follow @burn_all_books for more awesome art. #risoprint #sandiego #zines
Inspiring talk this morning by @rizzhel.javier this morning at @creativemornings_sd — my #sketchnotes on her passionate exhortation to “tell your story” and how she inspires others as an educator and an artist in #sandiego—her projects include @bridge_org @peopleandplacesproject @theajaproject @littlesaigonstories @reelvoices — so much excellent stuff I vibe with—multiple identities, being a military brat, having your dad be gone a lot, feeling connected to artifacts and photos and letters. I’m so glad I attended this morning. #representation #pinoy #tellyourstory
Sometimes I walk out of Sketch Party happy. @sketchpartysd #sketchpartysd #sandiego #drinkanddraw
I live in a place that’s a great subject for postcards. Yesterday at Balboa Park.
Staying away from the brush pen for once. @sketchpartysd #sketchpartysd #sandiego #sketchpartysandiego
Carmel Mountain Branch Library #YarnBomb. Late getting out here but really cool.