January 2022 Fifty-nine posts
Any water left unattended out-of-doors here in Northern Virginia—freezes.
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This morning I connected to my cross country flight to Virginia via LAX. I saw the dawn. I saw places that mean a lot to me. There’s my apartment! On the hill behind it was where my high school once stood, now replaced by condos. There’s Mission Bay where I’ve swum and kayaked and not-successfully windsurfed and jet ski’d. Beyond: Navy housing we lived in when I was a teenager. Had I been on the left side of the plane I’d have seen my favorite spot: Mission Beach Jetty. But take a beat on my right is former favorite swim spot La Jolla Cove. Shores. Del Mar. Solana Beach where I worked at failed dot com EduPoint. Orange County. Los Angeles County. Beaches, apartments; jobs and job interviews; car accidents, fights, train rides, romance and catastrophe. Southern California is my home; imbued with meaning. Onward.
Palæontology Practice with nephew F.! He knows more about dinosaurs than me.
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Briefly passing through LAX.
“Some people say / this town don’t look good in snow”
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Weather and professional responsibilities kept me out of the water for four days. Back this morning. Terrific.
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I took this in 2019, breezing by on a bike around the Tidal Basin in DC. Dr. King was mostly hated in his lifetime. Think about how pretty we talk about people once they get killed and try to change that. Beware of people quoting MLK without the context of how much he was hated. Changing society takes work. Justice is hard. War is wrong. Poverty is wrong. Race discrimination is wrong. Education must be free to all. We must have equal opportunity. We must change the structure of our society. We can do it.
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I fought my way past the breakers. Big current today, one day post Tonga. Part of any physical hobby is knowing when to stop. Life is so rich.